Bowie couple wins TFB Excellence in Agriculture contest
(SAN ANTONIO, Texas)–For their dedication to agriculture, their community and family, a Bowie couple has been selected as this year’s Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) Excellence in Agriculture (EIA) competition winner.
Scott and Sara Holloway are active in their community through their careers and volunteer efforts.
Scott is a sales representative for Alltech, an animal nutrition company. Sara is a mixed animal veterinarian at Cross Timbers Veterinary Hospital in Bowie.
Outside their day jobs, the Holloways manage their cow-calf operation and grow high-quality coastal hay.
“The Holloways are a great example of Texans who are involved in agribusinesses and still make time to be involved in their community and production agriculture,” TFB President Russell Boening said. “They give of their time and talents to share their passion for agriculture with their community and others in the Lone Star State.”
The Holloways were selected from a group of three finalists which included: Kacy and Justin Mitchell of Tyler and Ryan and Jessica Railsback of Cisco.
The EIA contest recognizes young Texas men and women who are involved in agriculture but do not earn their primary income directly from their own farm or ranch enterprises.
“We’re pleased to recognize these contestants, because they play a vital role in Texas agriculture,” Boening said.
The Holloways are active in their church and volunteer with the local 4-H, FFA and FFA Alumni chapters.
Scott is vice president of the Montague County Farm Bureau and the couple participates in several county Farm Bureau events, including Texas Food Connection Day.
They have two children: Coleman and Charley Jane.
As this year’s winner, the Holloways will receive: a Polaris Ranger UTV, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company; a $5,000 cash award, courtesy of Farm Credit; and a $750 service voucher, courtesy of Chevrolet.
The Holloways will go on to represent Texas at the national competition during the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in January in Phoenix, Ariz.