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Posted on Dec 6, 2015 in Featured, News Releases

Cooke County teacher recognized by Texas Farm Bureau

Cooke County teacher recognized by Texas Farm Bureau


(ARLINGTON, Texas)—Agriculture can be a mystery to students, but one passionate and innovative teacher goes above and beyond in teaching agricultural concepts to her students. For that, Michele Knauf of Sacred Heart Catholic School in Muenster was named Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) 2015 Agriculture in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher. The award was presented during TFB’s annual meeting in Arlington today.

Nominated by Cooke County Farm Bureau, the fourth grade teacher received the award for her exceptional work to incorporate agriculture into her classroom lesson plans and activities.

“Michele’s passion for agriculture shines through in the classroom. Creative, hands-on lesson plans and classroom activities keep her students engaged and draws them into the world of agriculture,” TFB President Russell W. Boening said. “She also takes her students on field trips to introduce them to experts and broaden their understanding of Texas agriculture.”

Knauf is a graduate of Texas Woman’s University and has been teaching for 21 years.

Raised in an agricultural family, Knauf has a great appreciation for the value of agriculture. She harnesses her experiences and knowledge to bring innovative projects to the classroom for her students. From touring farmland along the Red River to maintaining a wildflower garden and hatching chicks in an incubator, Knauf engages her students in agricultural processes. They even raise mealworms and tadpoles in the classroom to study life cycles.

“Agriculture comes to life in Michele’s classroom, and students get to take advantage of countless learning opportunities with her,” Boening said.

In recognition of her accomplishment, Knauf will receive a $300 cash award, as well as an expense-paid trip to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference next summer in Arizona. The nominating county Farm Bureau also will receive a $300 cash award.

Michele Knauf was named Agriculture in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher by Texas Farm Bureau. TFB District 3 State Director Michael White (left) and TFB President Russell Boening (right) presented the award at the organization's 82nd annual meeting.

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