McLaurin wins Texas Farm Bureau Discussion Meet
(FRISCO, Texas)—Kaleb McLaurin of Madison County was the winner of the 2023 Texas Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet during the organization’s 90th Annual Meeting.
McLaurin is the senior manager of Industry Relations for the Texas Beef Council. In this role, he leads industry relations and collections/compliance efforts across the state.
“Through the Discussion Meet, young Farm Bureau members talk about some of the current challenges facing agriculture,” TFB President Russell Boening said. “Their discussions lead to possible solutions for Texas agriculture and Farm Bureau. Their ideas and thoughts are important as agriculture continues to change and adapt.”
McLaurin and his wife, Raynie, have two daughters—Reese and Kate.
The Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each contestant.
The contestants discussed sustainability goals, diverse agricultural communities and financial programs available to farmers and ranchers.
During the discussion meet, the contestants build basic discussion skills, develop a deeper understanding of agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems through discussion.
McLaurin will receive an ATV with an estimated prize value of $9,000, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company; and an expense-paid trip to compete in the national contest during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention.
Also in the final four were Tyson Schneider of Randall County, Ellisa Tiscareno of Erath County and Sarah Roderick of El Paso County.
The three finalists will receive a $1,000 cash award, courtesy of Farm Bureau Bank, and a $500 cash award, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company.
McLaurin will represent Texas in the national Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) in January 2024.
National prizes
The winner of the national Discussion Meet award receive a $35,000 credit toward a new Ford, courtesy of Ford Motor Company.
The national runner-up will receive a $25,000 credit toward a new piece of equipment from Case IH, courtesy of Case IH.
Third place in the national competition will receive a $2,500 Investing in Your Future cash prize, courtesy of AmericanAg; and $2,500 worth of Stanley Black & Decker merchandise, courtesy of Stanley Black & Decker; and a Case IH branded safe, courtesy of Case IH.
The fourth-place national finalist will receive a Case IH branded Solo Stove, courtesy of Case IH.
Contest information
For more information on young farmer and rancher activities for members ages 18 to 35, visit