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Posted on Nov 5, 2015 in Featured, News Releases

Statement by President Russell W. Boening

Statement by President Russell W. Boening


TFB president lauds new House Ways and Means Chairman Brady

"The members of the Texas Farm Bureau are very pleased Kevin Brady is set to become chairman of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee. Congressman Brady has played a key role in tax policy. He has a well-deserved reputation as a hard-working and effective public servant.

"As a senior member of Ways and Means, he has been a leader on tax issues. He has worked on health care, trade, energy and every important assignment of the committee.

"We appreciate that he has regularly discussed these issues with Texas Farm Bureau leaders and staff over his 19 years of Congressional service. Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND supported him in his first race for the Texas House in 1990 and in every election since.

"Congressman Brady’s service on the Ways and Means Committee has been distinguished and has made a difference for Texas farmers and ranchers. He has championed eliminating the estate tax, resulting in a vote of the House to kill the death tax this spring. He understands the importance of tax certainty for small business and agriculture. He’s made sure we know the rules before the game starts. Chairman Brady understands the risky nature of farming and ranching and champions tax provisions that help them to stay current with technology.

"The farmers and ranchers of Texas congratulate Chairman Brady on his selection by his colleagues to become only the fourth Texan to chair the Ways and Means Committee."

Congressman Kevin Brady met with farmers and ranchers earlier this year in Grimes County in an attempt to get the death tax repealed

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