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Posted on May 16, 2019 in Featured, News Releases

STATEMENT: Eminent domain bill reported out of Texas House committee

STATEMENT: Eminent domain bill reported out of Texas House committee

The following statement can be attributed to Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening.


"A committee substitute for SB 421, a bill to reform Texas’ eminent domain process, was reported out of the House Committee on Land & Resource Management on Thursday, May 16.

"Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) is neutral on the bill due to concerns with some provisions in the House version that would be detrimental to landowners. However, TFB supports passage without House floor amendments, so these concerns can be addressed in conference committee. We appreciate the House Committee on Land & Resource Management voting to advance the bill, leaving a chance for meaningful eminent domain reform this session. We appreciate the leadership of Rep. Cecil Bell and Rep. Ben Leman in supporting TFB’s request to get the bill to the House floor.

"A conference committee of the House and Senate is expected to reconcile differences in the Senate and House versions. TFB will work with members of the conference committee to produce a bill that delivers a fair eminent domain process for all property owners in Texas.

"We are grateful for the commitment of Chairman Tom Craddick to advance the bill and allow the stakeholders to advocate for their members’ interests in conference committee. We also appreciate the work of Sen. Lois Kolkhorst and Rep. DeWayne Burns.

"We look forward to working with our legislators in the conference committee."

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