Texas Farm Bureau president reflects on past, looks to future
(CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas)—Grassroots action, strong leadership and innovation have helped make agriculture the driving force it is today. Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) President Kenneth Dierschke reflected on his time as president during his address at the organization’s 81st annual meeting today.
“We insist on being in the room when those decisions that affect our future are made. For us, it has never been about parties or labels. For Texas Farm Bureau, it’s been about the issues,” said Dierschke, who is retiring after 12 consecutive terms.
During his address to members of TFB’s state delegate assembly, Dierschke noted the many milestones and accomplishments of the organization.
“Improving net farm income and protecting property rights as the ‘Voice of Texas Agriculture’ are the foundation stones on which we’ve built this organization. Yet, we can never stop building,” Dierschke said.
He reminded delegates there are still issues confronting agriculture on state and national levels.
“We’ve seen the hyper-aggressive Environmental Protection Agency push out a Clean Water Act rule that has absolutely nothing to do with clean water. It is clearly about government control and power over routine farm decisions,” he said. “Farm Bureau has led the fight to stop it. We may lose some battles in this, but we are going to win the fight eventually.”
Despite those issues, Dierschke said the future is bright for Texas agriculture and TFB.
“That Texas Farm Bureau ‘star’ is taking hold and means something out there,” he said, referring to the TFB star logo. “It stands for service. It represents a powerful faith in the principles of rural Texas and Farm Bureau families.”
And that representation goes beyond the fences of farmers and ranchers.
“The Farm Bureau walking the halls of the Texas Capitol or in Washington, D.C. is part and parcel to the Farm Bureau that assists you in planning your future and protects you in the storms of life,” Dierschke said. “More than half a million member families strong, Texas Farm Bureau marches confidently and boldly into a future that we don’t know—but for which we are very well prepared.”