TFB supports Kathleen Hartnett White for White House environmental post
Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening said today that approval of Kathleen Hartnett White to an important White House environmental post has been awaiting action in the Senate “far too long.” White’s nomination was submitted almost a year ago.
“We urge the Senate to take immediate action to confirm Kathleen Hartnett White to the Council of Environmental Quality,” the TFB president said.
“Kathleen White is a Distinguished Senior Fellow-in-Residence and director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment,” Boening said. “She has demonstrated that environmental issues can move forward while addressing the needs of agriculture and private property rights.”
White had previously served a six-year term as chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). She was on the Texas Economic Development Commission and the Environmental Flows Study Commission. She served as an officer and director of the Lower Colorado River Authority.
“Texas agriculture, our state and the entire nation would be well-served by Kathleen Hartnett White in this role,” Boening said.