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Posted on Oct 3, 2016 in Audio, Editorial, Featured, Your Texas Agriculture Minute




Exploring Planet Agriculture

By Gene Hall

A visit to this planet opens a world that most folks seldom see. Planet Agriculture is Texas Farm Bureau’s large mobile learning laboratory. It’s about modern agriculture and its positive effects on the real planet we live on.

Kids of all ages can plant a seed and take it home. They can watch as a cotton gin strips lint away from seeds and maybe put a bit of it in their pockets. Video and interactive displays provide a hands-on and informative look at the farms most only see from the car window.

The Harvest Experience is part of the display and simulates a combine ride through a sea of grain. Throughout the exhibit, everyone learns how products they use every day, from toothpaste to pencils, began on a farm or ranch. It’s about how our food and fiber is grown and how farmers and ranchers interact with the environment.

It’s something to see, and a link back to the common agricultural heritage we all share.

The preceding commentary is brought to you by Texas Farm Bureau, the “Voice of Texas Agriculture.” Called “Your Texas Agriculture Minute,” TFB will issue thought-provoking editorials each week—via print and audio—to spark understanding of agriculture in the Lone Star State and its impact on each and every Texan.

You may read this week’s editorial above or listen to the audio version.

Media outlets: This content may be used without further permission.

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